We are taking action now to preserve the planet for future generations.
Natural fluctuations in climate patterns have occurred throughout our planet’s history. Yet global warming has never occurred on the same scale as we are witnessing today. Since the beginning of the Industrial Age, global temperatures have rapidly risen.
The main cause of this is greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide. That is why we are doing everything we can to reduce our carbon emissions even further.
Our mission:
Zero emissions.
Our goal is clear: We want to reduce our CO2 emissions to zero. Through carbon offsetting, we have reduced CO2 emissions in our eyewear production to net zero as of September 2022. And we continue to reduce our CO2 emissions by regularly introducing new sustainability projects throughout our company. So far, we have achieved excellent results: While our annual CO2 emissions amounted to around 4,850 tons in 2015, we have already reduced that amount by half as of last year. We offset the remaining tons by acquiring certificates from Gold Standard projects.

Independently audited by TÜV Austria.
When it comes to sustainability, one thing matters most of all: trust. To continually build trust with our customers, we have our annual carbon footprint audited by an independent third party. This is not a task that we can entrust to just anybody. That is why we work exclusively with TÜV Austria, the leading independent auditor in the country. TÜV Austria has been upholding principles of objectivity, impartiality and integrity since 1872. To ensure total transparency, the Silhouette Group displays its audit report on the TÜV Austria website under our certificate ID number ZSTS/SWZE/5030.

1300000 kWh
Green electricity
Our on-site solar panels generate 130,000 kWh of green electricity each year, 100 % of which is used in our eyewear production.
Solar charging stations
We have installed 14 solar charging stations for electric cars and 6 solar charging stations for electric bikes on our company’s premises.
100 %
of all suitable roof surface area
at our production facilities will be equipped with solar panels by 2023.
Successful emissions-reduction projects

100 % commitment to reducing emissions.
Silhouette International is strongly committed to reducing its carbon footprint. The approximately 2,000 tons of CO2 emissions that we are currently unable to eliminate are offset through certificates from Gold Standard projects. The Gold Standard Foundation is a non-profit certification organization based in Switzerland.
Only projects that are proven to reduce greenhouse gases while protecting the interests of local environments and populations are eligible for Gold Standard certification. Our certificate number is GSM12886