„Company of the year 2022“
Award for Silhouette Germany

The global pandemic has posed major economic challenges over the past two years. Against this backdrop, the Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF) closely examined companies from a wide range of industries on behalf of the renowned business magazine Focus Money and its Deutschland Test brand. The top honors went to the few companies that have managed to thrive in these difficult times, setting themselves up for success in the year ahead. Silhouette Germany was the clear favorite in the Eyewear and Contact Lenses category, taking home the Company of the Year 2022 title.
The most trusted eyewear brand among German consumers
Which companies have done the best job at overcoming the challenged brought on by the global pandemic? That was the central question behind the Company of the Year 2022 survey. This year, the IMWF narrowed down its selection to focus on those companies that had performed particularly well in 2021, including the winners of last year's prizes for Company of the Year, Most Trusted, Customer Favorites and Most Sustainable. Social listening was used to assess the performance of around 40 different prescription eyewear brands. With a perfect score, Silhouette topped the ranks in the category of Most Trusted, setting the benchmark for the optics industry. This is a very special honor for a premium eyewear brand like Silhouette, which places trust at the core of its relationship with its customers around the world. The company has succeeded in gaining its customers' trust thanks to its longstanding reputation for excellent quality and craftsmanship, along with its solid commitment to sustainable business practices.
This has enabled Silhouette to maintain strong business partnerships while also keeping its customers satisfied. The latest IMWF study evaluated the level of trust among Silhouette's optician partners as well as its customers, analyzing statements on the topics of reputation, recommendation, trust and quality.
Analysis based on social intelligence
Since 2013, the IMWF has been using artificial intelligence to analyze large sets of social media data. It began conducting its annual Company of the Year meta study five years ago. Each year, the study draws on millions of social media posts which mention the companies included in the rankings. In this case, around 21,000 companies and brands from over 200 industries were cited. In the Eyewear & Contact Lenses category, 40 companies were analyzed, only four of which were awarded a prize. Winners were chosen based on the positive tone and reach of the social media posts that mentioned them.
March 29, 2022